24 tháng 4, 2014

Đồng hồ vạn năng KYORITSU 1030, K1030

Đồng hồ vạn năng KYORITSU 1030, K1030

Đồng hồ vạn năng KYORITSU 1030, K1030

- AC V : 4/40/400/600V (4 Range auto)
- DC V : 400m/4/40/400/600V (5 Range auto)
- Ω  : 400/4k/40k/400k/4M/40MΩ (6 Range auto)
- Diode check : Điện áp kiểm tra. 0.3~1.5V
- Continuity check:    Còi báo khi điện trở nhỏ hơn 120Ω  .
- Tụ điện :     50n/500n/5µ/50µ/100µF (5 Range auto)

- Tần số :5/50/500/5k/50k/200kHz
- Nguồn : LR44 ( 1.5V x2 )
- Kích thước : 190(L) × 39(W) × 31(D)mm
- Khối lượng : 100g
- Phụ kiện : Hộp đưng, Pinx2, HDSD
- Bảo hành : 12 tháng
- Hãng sản xuất : Kyoritsu - Nhật
- Xuất xứ : Trung Quốc 

Catalogues Kyoritsu K1030

Digital Multi meters

Selection GuideProduct CatalogueInstruction Manual
Compact in Size, Light in Weight and Simple in Use.
Double moulding provides comfortable and good feeling in hand.
Penlight illuminates brightly the point to be measured, even in dark place.
Backlight LCD is highly visible, even in darkness.
Unique wrapping mechanism for test lead in the rear side compartment.
Unique protection mechanism for the test prod for safety.
All ranges including Ohm range are protected against overload voltage of 600V.

Long life LED light is of good use in dark placeProtection cover prevents unforeseen accident
KEW 1030
Wrapping mechanism for test lead in rear side compartment
KEW 1030
* Length of test lead is adjustable in 3 steps, ie, 60cm, 40cm and 20cm.
AC V4/40/400/600V (4 Range auto)
|±1.3%rdg|±5dgt (4/40V) (50/60Hz)
|±1.6%rdg|±5dgt (400/600V) (50/60Hz)
DC V400m/4/40/400/600V (5 Range auto)
Ω400/4k/40k/400k/4M/40MΩ (6 Range auto)
|±1.0%rdg|±5dgt (400Ω~4MΩ)
|±2.5%rdg|±5dgt (40MΩ)
Diode checkTest voltage approx. 0.3~1.5V
Continuity checkBuzzer sounds when resistance is 120Ω or less.
Capacitance50n/500n/5µ/50µ/100µF (5 Range auto)
|±3.5%rdg|±10dgt (50nF)
|±3.5%rdg|±5dgt (500n~50µF)
|±4.5%rdg|±5dgt (100µF)
|±0.1%rdg|±5dgt (Measurable input: 1.5Vrms or more)
|±2.5%rdg|±5dgt (Pulse width / Pulse cycle)
Data holdThe measured value can be hold by pressing Data hold button
Battery voltage warningWhen the battery voltage drops to 2.4V|±0.2V or less
Auto power-offBuilt-in
Applicable standardsIEC 61010-1: 2001 CAT.III 600V
IEC 61010-031
IEC 61326-1
Power sourceButton type battery LR44 (SR44)1.5V × 2
Dimensions190(L) × 39(W) × 31(D)mm
WeightApprox. 100g (including batteries)
AccessoriesCarrying case, LR44 (1.5V) × 2, Instruction manual

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Công ty cổ phần thiết bị điện Hoàng Phương
Địa chỉ: Số 19, ngõ 44, phố Võ Thị Sáu , P.Thanh Nhàn , Q.Hai Bà Trưng , TP Hà Nôi.
Tel/ 04.3215.1322 / Fax: 04.3215.1323
Phone: 0944.240.317
Email2 : kinhdoanh2.hpe@gmail.com
Email1 : kinhdoanh1.hpe@gmail.com
Yahoo : hpe.2015
Skype : Hoangphuongjsc
Website: http://hoangphuongjsc.com/dong-ho-do-kyoritsu.htm

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